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Karthik Chintala

Karthik is a passionate Full Stack developer working primarily on .NET Core, microservices, distributed systems, VUE and JavaScript. He also loves NBA basketball so you might find some NBA examples in his posts and he owns this blog.

different ways to access constants in vuejs featured image

3 different ways to access constants in a Vue template

In this post, I’ll show how to access a constant in the vue <template> tag.

If we consume the constant directly in the vue template we’ll get an error when compiling the app.

Read More »3 different ways to access constants in a Vue template


Sharing data between Vue JS components

In this post, we’ll see how we can share the data from parent to child and vice-versa.

Read More »Sharing data between Vue JS components
computed properties in Vue

Understanding computed properties in VueJS

In this post we’ll see what are computed properties, how to write a computed property and let’s understand how a computed property is designed behind the scenes.

Don’t forget to visit the links in the references section.

Read More »Understanding computed properties in VueJS

Getting started with Vue CLI

If you are already familiar with Vue CLI, you can just skip reading this post.

Vue JS is an open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and SPA’s (single-page applications).

If you want to build a project in Vue, I’d recommend Vue CLI templates for those who are new to Vue.

Read More »Getting started with Vue CLI
To Safe Dictionary

.ToSafeDictionary() extension method in csharp

The .ToDictionary() extension will throw an argument exception if we have duplicate keys added to the dictionary.

Read More ».ToSafeDictionary() extension method in csharp
sequence numbers in linq

Generating Sequence Numbers In LINQ Query

In this post, we’ll see how to generate sequence numbers along with the data that we need in LINQ C#.

Read More »Generating Sequence Numbers In LINQ Query
callback functions in c#

Delegates as callback functions in csharp

To update many records in entity framework, it is good to use the .Attach method of the db context instead of looping through every record and fetching the data through EF and updating it.

Read More »Delegates as callback functions in csharp

Data binding in blazor

Blazor has 3 different ways of binding data on the client-side.

Here are the different data binding mechanisms in the client-side blazor framework.

debugging in blazor

Unable to find debuggable browser tab in Blazor

Debugging blazor applications is a little different from what we’ve been doing for years for debugging the JS files.

Read More »Unable to find debuggable browser tab in Blazor
strategy design pattern

The strategy design pattern with an example

A strategy design pattern is the most commonly used design pattern in computer programming.

In this post, we’ll start with a basic switch case statement and then we’ll modify the code into strategy design pattern.

Read More »The strategy design pattern with an example