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Unit tests for private methods?

This post as you read from the title is about unit testing for private methods. Do we really need to test the private methods in the unit tests?

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Func delegate on the Entity Framework entities

Don’t use Func delegate on the Entity Framework entities

In this post, I’ll show you what happens when you use a func delegate on the Entity Framework entities.

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Building dynamic LINQ queries using Expression Trees and Func

Filtering an item from a list of items is easy but if the item to filter is not known at compile time then filtering a list will be little complicated.

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get only specific types from list

Get only specific types from List in C#

This is a post to get the specific type of items from a mixed list of items. I have tried couple of solutions for the problem but it looks like there’s more elegant solution than my solution.

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binary code book

How c# compiler looks at switch case statements

Every developer writes a switch case statement at least once in their life of programming but as he/she understands the switch is no longer maintainable they tend to look for patterns and do refactoring.

In this post, we’ll see what’s actually inside of a switch case statement.

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Awaiting A Method Vs Awaiting A Task

What is the difference between awaiting a method vs await a task in c#. In this post, we’ll explore the major difference between awaiting a method and awaiting a Task.

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